PAPER PUNCH CRITTERS YOU'LL NEED: Eggs Straight pin Red and pink construction paper Paper punch Tacky glue Toothpick Tracing paper 7-mm glue eyes Pink pipe cleaner Fine-tipped black marker STEP 1 Wash the eggs in warm soapy water, rinse, and dry. Referring to the egg diagram, poke a hole in the top and bottom of the egg using the straight pin. Make each hole approximately 1/8-inch in diameter. Place your mouth over one hole and blow hard. The egg contents will come out the other hole. Rinse out the eggshell and set it aside to dry. STEP 2 Punch lots of dots from folded pink construction paper using the paper punch. Squeeze a small amount of glue around the narrow end of the egg. Spread glue around with toothpick. Glue dots to egg. Do not cover the hole. Continue adding glue and fastening dots until the egg is covered. Set egg aside to allow glue to dry. STEP 3 Print and cut out the leg, nose, nose cirlce, mouth, and ear patterns. From pink construction paper, trace and cut out four legs, one nose and nose circle, and two ears. Cut one mouth from red paper. STEP 4 Wrap each leg strip around a pencil. Glue the edges together to make four tubes. Slip the legs off the pencil. Glue the legs to the underside of the pig body.